The barrage of Radio X and LADbible articles in the last ten or so years teasing the Oasis reunion has gotten exhausting, clutching onto '90s nostalgia as they decipher Liam Gallagher's nonscensical commentary on Twitter. Don't get me wrong - Oasis are one of my favourite bands and the reunion is looking more promising than ever, but the constant coverage that it 'could be round the corner!' is not worth getting your hopes up for.
Despite that small rant, I believe that Noel Gallagher, and all of his High Flying Birds, have made the best song of 2023 already. Released last week ahead of a new album in the summer, 'Dead to the World' is unlike anything the songwriter has written before. The 4-minute single is melancholic from the offset, with a piano and acoustic guitar introducing the magical string section, written and recorded by Rosie Danvers and Wired Strings. On Instagram, Rosie says that "as soon as I heard the demo, back in January 2022, I knew this song would work brilliantly with strings!"
Check out the first run through of the arrangement at Abbey Road Studios:
The strings bring a Bond theme atmosphere, rich in soaring melodies and heart-felt textures. Noel Gallagher's vocals allign with the section perfectly, providing a career-best performance. The song features powerful lyricism from Noel, giving the sense he's hit a brickwall while attempting to keep up with the ever-changing modern world:
"I can lend you a dream
‘Til we meet again
I’m dead to the world
I don’t know where I’ve been
'Dead to the World' is an immensly powerful and compelling experience, launching the listener into a dark sea of melancholy. This is the latest cut from his next album Council Skies, being released 2 June via Sour Mash Records.
Watch the animated lyric video below.